Sorry for not updating this page regularly. I have been really busy trying to organize all my source codes and I am still working on it.

This is this the very first of the tutorials that will occupy this page:
Tuturial on using the FlexGrid control in Visual Basic 6.0. Contains demo and source code as well as explanation.
I also have spent a few hours trying to download tutorials for Fortran. I must say that good Fortran tutorials are pretty hard come by, even on the Internet. I have managed to find two great tutorials. Here is the first of the two: The Professional Programmer's Guide to Fortran 77 by Clive G. Page, University of Leicester, UK.
Here is a simple tutorial for creating professional Windows HTML Help files. The tutorial consists of full source code, step-by-step instructions and links to download the HTML Help Compiler.
A step by step tutorial for SOAP and using the Microsoft Soap SDK for creating and consuming Web Services.